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  Flappy Bird for Texas Instruments TI-99/4A (by Rasmus) Flappy Bird for Texas Instruments TI-99/4A (by Rasmus)

  Scroll Demo to Matthew - F18A for TI-99/4A Scroll Demo to Matthew - F18A for TI-99/4A

Rasmus Inspired Scroll Demo to Matthew :) an F18A version of the early scroll demo Rasmus did that eventually turned into his game Titanium.
  Bert and Ernie - Nice funny Speech Demo - Extended Basic Bert and Ernie - Nice funny Speech Demo - Extended Basic

  Road Hunter for Texas Instruments TI-99/4A (by Rasmus) Road Hunter for Texas Instruments TI-99/4A (by Rasmus)

Dopo i bellissimi Titanium e Scramble per TI99 Rasmus cambia tematica di gioco... dalle battaglie spaziali ora si corre su strada ! ...Road Hunter... un capolavoro ;)

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  MUG 1998 Conferences at Lima, Ohio - Part_1.1 MUG 1998 Conferences at Lima, Ohio - Part_1.1

Multi-User Group (MUG) *** Speaker: Dr. Charles Good *** about: Never Released Game Cartridge.
  MUG 1998 Conferences at Lima, Ohio - Part_1.2 MUG 1998 Conferences at Lima, Ohio - Part_1.2

Multi-User Group (MUG) *** Speaker: Dan Eicher *** about: Control Data 99/4A and Tomy Tutor computer.
  MUG 1998 Conferences at Lima, Ohio - Part_1.3 MUG 1998 Conferences at Lima, Ohio - Part_1.3

Multi-User Group (MUG) *** Musicians: Lory Werths and Family *** about: Concert Rehersal.
  MUG 1998 Conferences at Lima, Ohio - Part_1.4 MUG 1998 Conferences at Lima, Ohio - Part_1.4

Multi-User Group (MUG) *** Speaker: Bob Carmany *** about: 99/4A Upgrades.
  MUG 1998 Conferences at Lima, Ohio - Part_1.5 MUG 1998 Conferences at Lima, Ohio - Part_1.5

Multi-User Group (MUG) *** Speaker: Bruce Harrison *** about: MIDI Master 99 Upgrade.
  MUG 1998 Conferences at Lima, Ohio - Part_1.6 MUG 1998 Conferences at Lima, Ohio - Part_1.6

Multi-User Group (MUG) *** Speaker: Dolores P. Werths and Family (with Marcel Barbeau,Jean Barbeau) *** about: Midi Concert supported by MIDI Master 99 with TI-99/4A.
  MUG 1998 Conferences at Lima, Ohio - Part_1.7 MUG 1998 Conferences at Lima, Ohio - Part_1.7

Multi-User Group (MUG) *** Speaker: Timothy Tesch *** about: MDOS-Myarc Repair and Upgrade-Future Software.
  MUG 1998 Conferences at Lima, Ohio - Part_1.8 MUG 1998 Conferences at Lima, Ohio - Part_1.8

Multi-User Group (MUG) *** Speaker: Mike Wright *** about: PC99 release 5.
  MUG 1998 Conferences at Lima, Ohio - Part_2.1 MUG 1998 Conferences at Lima, Ohio - Part_2.1

Multi-User Group (MUG) *** Speaker: Lew King *** about: Internet-EMail-Web.
  MUG 1998 Conferences at Lima, Ohio - Part_2.2 MUG 1998 Conferences at Lima, Ohio - Part_2.2

Multi-User Group (MUG) *** Speaker: Ted Zychowicz *** about: Transfer Files from a Geneve to a PC without using a modem.
  MUG 1998 Conferences at Lima, Ohio - Part_2.3 MUG 1998 Conferences at Lima, Ohio - Part_2.3

Multi-User Group (MUG) *** Speaker: Bud Mills *** about: Products of Bud Mills Services.
  MUG 1998 Conferences at Lima, Ohio - Part_2.4 (Last Part) MUG 1998 Conferences at Lima, Ohio - Part_2.4 (Last Part)

Multi-User Group (MUG) *** Speaker: Glenn Bernasek *** about: Presentation of Jim Peterson Awards.
  TI and GENEVE Conference 1999 - Part_1/9 TI and GENEVE Conference 1999 - Part_1/9

Speaker: Bruce Harrison about: " The end on an Era "
  TI and GENEVE Conference 1999 - Part_2/9 TI and GENEVE Conference 1999 - Part_2/9

Speaker: Tony Knerr about: " SGCPU & HSGPL CARD DEMOS "
  TI and GENEVE Conference 1999 - Part_3/9 TI and GENEVE Conference 1999 - Part_3/9

Speaker: Ted Zychowicz and Tim Tesch about: " OPEN FORUM for Geneve 9640 "
  TI and GENEVE Conference 1999 - Part_4/9 TI and GENEVE Conference 1999 - Part_4/9

Speaker: Dan Eicher about: " GPL Development KIT DEMO "
  TI and GENEVE Conference 1999 - Part_5/9 TI and GENEVE Conference 1999 - Part_5/9

Speaker: Lew King about: " Using a Modem at 30 400+DPS with a stock TI-99/4A "
  TI and GENEVE Conference 1999 - Part_6/9 TI and GENEVE Conference 1999 - Part_6/9

Speaker: Charles Good about: " Demonstrating TI-74 " + other CC40 HexBus Hardware
  TI and GENEVE Conference 1999 - Part_7/9 TI and GENEVE Conference 1999 - Part_7/9

Speaker: Ron Markus about: " Software and Hardware Offered " (The original Video has no Voice Audio but only computer sounds)
  TI and GENEVE Conference 1999 - Part_8/9 TI and GENEVE Conference 1999 - Part_8/9

Main Speaker: ..... about: " All TIers Conference "
  TI and GENEVE Conference 1999 - Part_9/9 TI and GENEVE Conference 1999 - Part_9/9

Main Speaker: Glenn Bernasek about: " Jim Peterson Achievement Awards "


  Review and Demonstration of: RealEstate/Tax Investment Plan - for Texas Instruments TI-99/4A -(1998) Review and Demonstration of: RealEstate/Tax Investment Plan - for Texas Instruments TI-99/4A -(1998)

This is a commented demonstration/review of the program: Tax Investment for the TI-99/4A. A complete explanation to use the program and how it works. The video has been converted from a VHS of 1998.
  Review and Demonstration of: - Explorer - program for Texas Instruments TI-99/4A - Review and Demonstration of: - Explorer - program for Texas Instruments TI-99/4A -

This is a commented demonstration/review of the program: "Explorer" for the TI-99/4A. A complete explanation to use the program and how it works. The video has been converted from a VHS of 1998.
  Hymns - TI-99/4A Concert (1990) - Music by Bill Knecht - (adapted to video by Bill Saner) Hymns - TI-99/4A Concert (1990) - Music by Bill Knecht - (adapted to video by Bill Saner)

The Great Hymns Concert - ver. 1/02 - Date 4-20-1990 - Music Programmed on TI-99/4A Computer: Bill W. Knecht - Adapted to Video: Bill Saner - This VHS is dedicated to the Memory of Bill W. Knecht


  Texas Instruments - GROM Dump tool - first try... Texas Instruments - GROM Dump tool - first try...

The Program "Dump_O" is from Michael Zapf. it's tested on my TI-99/8. Language EA/3. Year 2013. ... after some program test we try to Dumps all GROMs
  Texas Instruments TI-99/8 - Dump ROM0 and ROM1 Texas Instruments TI-99/8 - Dump ROM0 and ROM1

The Program "Dump Rom" is from Michael Zapf. it's tested on my TI-99/8. Language EA/3. Year 2013. ... after some program test, Finally we save ROM0 and ROM1.
  Texas Instruments TI-99/8 - Testing Computer Program - List of Groms Texas Instruments TI-99/8 - Testing Computer Program - List of Groms

This is an utility check the Groms into the TI-99/8, developed by Michael Zapf. it's tested on my TI-99/8. Language EA/3. Year 2013. next step will be the dump of the listed Groms..
  Texas Instruments TI-99/8 - GROM Dump tool - 5th and Final Dump Texas Instruments TI-99/8 - GROM Dump tool - 5th and Final Dump

The Program "Dump" is from Michael Zapf. it's tested on my TI-99/8. Language EA/3. Year 2013. ... after some program test we continue to Dumps all GROMs now only UCSD PASCAL GROM missing... it will be the next try !
  TI-99/8 - Testing Computer Program TI-99/8 - Testing Computer Program

The Program "TestComp" is from Michael Zapf. it's tested on my TI-99/8. Language EA/3. Year 2013. just for testing some TI-99/8's Functions.
  TI-99/8 - Testing Computer Program - 2nd Part TI-99/8 - Testing Computer Program - 2nd Part

This is the second Test program from Michael Zapf. it's tested on my TI-99/8. Language EA/3. Year 2013. just for testing some TI-99/8's Functions.

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Ultime novita'!

Il Futuro è arrivato nella tua casa: Texas Instruments TI-99/4A

La potenza di un computer professionale, la semplicità di utilizzo per tutta la famiglia
Texas Instruments presenta con orgoglio il rivoluzionario TI-99/4A, il primo home computer che porta la potenza del processore 16-bit direttamente nel vostro salotto. 

Preparatevi a entrare nell'era del futuro!
Prestazioni Senza Precedenti
Dotato dell'avanzatissimo microprocessore TMS9900, il TI-99/4A offre una potenza di calcolo che i nostri concorrenti possono solo sognare. Con una velocità di elaborazione di 3.0 MHz, le vostre applicazioni si eseguiranno con una fluidità mai vista prima.

Un Arcobaleno di Possibilità

Lasciatevi stupire dalla straordinaria grafica a 16 colori, che trasforma il vostro televisore in una finestra su mondi fantastici. Che stiate creando grafici professionali o giocando agli ultimi videogiochi, i colori brillanti del TI-99/4A renderanno ogni esperienza indimenticabile.

Per Tutta la Famiglia

I vostri bambini impareranno la programmazione con il nostro intuitivo TI BASIC
Mamme e papà potranno gestire il bilancio familiare con i nostri software di produttività
Gli studenti troveranno un prezioso alleato per i compiti e le ricerche
I più creativi potranno esplorare nuovi mondi con i nostri programmi di grafica e musica


Espandibile Secondo le Vostre Esigenze
Il modulo di sintesi vocale opzionale trasforma il vostro TI-99/4A in un vero e proprio compagno di conversazione. E con la nostra vasta libreria di cartucce, le possibilità sono infinite!

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