Stars - Demo Graph
Ecco la prima demo di Mark Wills, c'è rappresentato un cielo stellato con movimento molto fluido, un testo scorrevole in alto allo schermo racconta un po la storia e le caratteristiche di questa demo, riporto il testo integrale che viene visualizzato:
"Hello, this is mark wills here. This is the first bit of programming i have done on the ti for 10 years! It doesnt do much, it just scrolls some stars across the screen... However, the machine code fans among you may be interested to know that although the stars move very smoothly, they are not sprites. They are characters! This is how i did it... A character is loaded with a single pixel, and this is left shifted through all 8 horizontal positions, during a vertical blank period... After all 8 positions have been moved through, i erase the characters from the screen and redraw them one character position to the left. Again, during a vertical blank. For more speed, screen scrolling is not used - there would be too much time spent on vdp access. Instead i use a buffer in cpu ram to keep track of the x axis of the stars... Watch out for more machine code stuff soon... Also, try http://sometimes.99er.Net for some nice machine code ti99 demos by karsten... Really neat stuff... Greets to trevor stevens and richard twyning of tiug(uk) :-)"
Codice | Demo_MW01 |
Dettagli | Digitale |
Lingua | English | Anno | 198? |
Tipo | Demo |
Categoria | Software |
Livello rarità | C (Common Everyone has it; most people have several duplicates) |
Costruttore | Mark Wills |
Commenti | |
Formato | Cartridge |
Linguaggio sviluppo | Assembly |
Sviluppatore | Mark Wills |
Distributore o Editore | Unknown |
Sistema | TI-99/4A |
Voto UTENTI |     (n/d) | VOTO TI99IUC |     (0.00) |
Valutazione | |
Valore acquisto | 0.00 | Valore odierno | 0 |
Galleria aste | n/d |
Note | |
Sfoglia on-line | |
Download | (Eng)-(DemoGraph)-(Stars)-(---)-(Cart)-(by Mark Wills)-(---).zip (6.36 KBytes) |
Siti approfondimento | n/d |
Articoli correlati | |